The Great Mosque of La Mezquita de Córdoba

Our trips around Spain are not only a treat for the fans of the motorcycle expeditions, but also a feast for the lovers of unique monuments, architecture and places they have never seen before!

One of the most fascinating buildings we’ll see during our tour is the Great Mosque of La Mezquita de Córdoba in Cordoba!

It was partly rebuilt into a Gothic-Renaissance cathedral.
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a gem of Islamic medieval religious architecture; a place that outshines all the other similar structures. Being a huge architectural complex, it used to be also the most important social, cultural and political place in Western Europe.
The enormous area of The Great Mosque covers 23,400 m2. Inside, it delights its guests with the harmony of 800 columns made of marble, granite and jasper.

The most beautiful part of the mosque is the one built during the reign of Caliph Al-Hakam II (961-976). The octagonal mihrab with a shell-shaped dome (a niche pointing the praying Muslims towards Mecca) comes from that period.
Its entrance, which is said to have extraordinary acoustics, is decorated with beautiful mosaics. Apparently, the word spoken inside this little room is heard in the remote corners of the entire temple.
The largest part of the most beautiful decorations of the mosque was created during the reign of Al-Hakam II.
The La Mezquita complex also includes Patio de los Naranjos, which is an external, spacious courtyard.
The faithful can clean up themselves before entering the temple, but also simply make some trades or exchange gossip with others in that place.

You can admire the beauty of the La Mezquita de Córdoba Mosque by choosing our Southern Spain tour!
